a film by
Thomas Gilou
An unlikely story of friendship between Milann, a young convict who is forced to work in a retirement home rather than going to jail, and a larger than life group of retired people who are not really prepared to accept this new recruit.
Sales agent

Other Angle Pictures
a film by
Mélanie Auffret
Between her obligations as a mayor and her role as a teacher in the little village of Kerguen, Alice’s days are really full. Emile, an explosive 60 year old has finally decided to learn how to read and write, and arrives in her class, will make...
Sales agent

Other Angle Pictures
a film by
Peter Pearce’s parents divorced after 65 years, his wife left him after 35, and his two sons, Mickey and Nick, are off leading their own lives.
Sales agent

a film by
At an old manor house in northern Portugal, Ana helps her friend, Emília, the elderly housekeeper who is determined to continue to keep the unoccupied house in order for the owners who are never there.
Sales agent
